

Eligibility requirements for pension benefits in Austria are

1) Retirement age:

Women on reaching the age of 60 and men on reaching the age of 65.

Please note!

The retirement age for women will be gradually increased from 60 to 65 from 2024 (this affects women born from 1 January 1964; the retirement age for women born after 30 June 1968 is 65).

2) Minimum insurance period:

The minimum insurance period is generally 15 years for insured persons born on or after 1 January 1955. The minimum insurance period is also deemed to have been fulfilled if at least 180 months of insurance have been completed on the reference date (date on which the pension entitlement is reviewed) (of which at least 84 months from gainful employment).

The amount of the pension benefit depends on the duration of the insurance periods and the amount of contributions paid.