
Partners and advice centres in Austria.

Interest groups and trade unions

IG24 - Interest group of live-in carers in Austria
(Interessengemeinschaft der 24h-Betreuer:innen in Österreich)

Address: Schottengasse 3A/4/59, 1010 Wien

Website: https://ig24.at

E-mail: kontakt@ig24.at

WKO – Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
(Wirtschaftskammer Österreich)

Website: https://wko.at/personenberatung-betreuung


Address: Robert-Graf-Platz 1, 7000 Eisenstadt

Tel.: +43 (0)5 90 907 3140

E-mail: marlene.wiedenhofer@wkbgld.at


Address: Europaplatz 1, 9021 Klagenfurt am Wörthersee

Tel.+43 (0)5 90 904 160

E-mail: innungsgruppe7@wkk.or.at ; petra.kreuzer@wkk.or.at


Address: Wirtschaftskammer-Platz 1, 3100 St.Pölten

Tel.: +43 (0)2742 851 19190

E-mail: dienstleister.gesundheit@wknoe.at


Address: Hessenplatz 3, 4020 Linz

Tel.: +43 (0)5 90 909 4145

E-mail: pb@wkooe.at


Adresse: Julius-Raab-Platz 1, 5027 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0)662 88 88 279

E-Mail: lebensberater@wks.at ; mklappacher@wks.at


Address: Körblergasse 111-113, 8010 Graz

Tel.: +43 (0)316 601 530

E-mail: dienstleister@wkstmk.at ; manuel.hoefferer@wkstmk.at


Address: Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 7, 6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: +43 (0)5 90 905 1284

E-mail: pp@wktirol.at ; patrick.rauter@wktirol.at


Address: Wichnergasse 9, 6800 Feldkirch

Tel.: +43 (0)5522 305 279

E-mail: betreuung@wkv.at ; albrecht-kirchler.nicole@wkv.at


Address: Straße der Wiener Wirtschaft 1, 1020 Wien

Tel. support: +43 1 514 50 2302

Tel. counselling: +43 1 514 50 2203

E-mail: personenberatung@wkw.at ; martin.kofler@wkw.at

Vidaflex – Trade union initiative for one-person companies and small and medium-sized enterprises
(Gewerkschafts-Initiative für Ein- Personen-Unternehmen (EPU) und Klein und Mittelunternehmen (KMU))

Website: www.vidaflex.at

Tel.: +43(01) 534 44 - 79700

E-mail: office@vidaflex.at

Flexpower Counselling

With Flexpower counselling, the Austrian Trade Union Federation (Österreichischer Gewerkschaftsbund (ÖGB)), together with the trade unions and the Vienna Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer Wien), offers not only its members, but also all those who work as contract workers or freelancers, a one-off, personal initial consultation on social, contractual and tax law issues.

Address: ÖGB-Zentrale, Johann-Böhm-Platz 1, 1020 Wien
Tel.: 01/534 44-39100
E-mail: flexpower@oegb.at

Against exploitation in the workplace, discrimination or violence

CuraFAIR – Contact point for live-in carers
(Anlaufstelle für 24-Stunden-Betreuer*innen)

Address: Volkshilfe Flüchtlings- und Migrant:innenbetreuung GmbH, Stockhofstraße 40, 4020 Linz

Website: www.curafair.at

E-mail: curafair@curafair.at

Ombud for Equal Treatment (Gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft)

In cases of racial and sexual discrimination

Website: https://www.gleichbehandlungsanwaltschaft.gv.at

Tel.: +43 (0)800 206 119

E-mail: gaw@bka.gv.at

Centre for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland

Address: Leopold-Moses-Gasse 4/1/2, 1020 Wien

Tel.: +43 1 5320 244

E-mail: gaw@bka.gv.at

Regional Office Carinthia

Address: Kumpfgasse 25, 9020 Klagenfurt

Tel.: +43 463 509 110

E-mail: klagenfurt.gaw@bka.gv.at

Regional Office Upper Austria

Address: Mozartstrasse 5/3, 4020 Linz

Tel.: +43 732 783 877

E-mail: linz.gaw@bka.gv.at

Regional Office Styria

Address: Südtiroler Platz 16, 8020 Graz

Tel.: +43 316 720 590

E-mail: graz.gaw@bka.gv.at

Regional Office Tyrol, Salzburg and Vorarlberg

Address: Leipziger Platz 2, 6020 Innsbruck

Tel.: +43 512 343 032

E-mail: ibk.gaw@bka.gv.at

LEFÖ-IBF Intervention centre for victims of trafficking in women
(Interventionsstelle für Betroffene des Frauenhandels)

False promises about working conditions, lack of salary payments, excessive working hours, intimidation, threats, assault/violence (sexual and violent), control, documents taken away, no place to sleep, no food, no protective work clothing.

LEFÖ-IBF is a recognised victim protection organisation and works on behalf of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and the Federal Chancellery.

Address: Lederergasse 35/12-15, 1080 Wien

Website: www.lefoe.at

E-mail: ibf@lefoe.at

Tel.: +43 1 796 92 98

Website: www.lefoe.at/ibf/help/

ZARA Civil courage and anti-racism work in cases of racist discrimination
(Zivilcourage und Anti-Rassismus-Arbeit bei rassistischer Diskriminierung)

Address: Am Hundsturm 7, 1050 Wien

Website: https://www.zara.or.at/de/beratungsstellen

Tel.: +43 1 929 13 99

E-mail: office@zara.or.at

Weißer Ring
Help for victims of crime

Crime victim support: for victims of crime, violence, online violence, terrorist attacks, hate crime victims based on gender, background, religious or sexual orientation.

Address: Alserbachstrasse 18, 3. Stock, 1090 Wien

Website: https://www.weisser-ring.at/kontakt/

E-mail: office@weisser-ring.at

Tel.: 01 / 712 14 05

Counselling for women and girls

In the event of social, psychological, legal and economic problems; in the event of threats or affected by violence. Free of charge, confidential, anonymous.

+43 (0)800 222555

E-mail: https://www.frauenberatung.gv.at/


Online counselling in many languages for physical, emotional, sexualised, psychological, psychological, family violence, daily, without waiting times, free of charge, anonymous.

Website: https://www.haltdergewalt.at/

The network of Austrian women's and girls' counselling centres

Contact point for women's issues and women-specific topics.

A list of women's and girls' counselling centres/locations in the federal states and locations can be found here:

Address: Stumpergasse 41-43/II/R3, 1060 Wien

E-mail: netzwerk@netzwerkfrauenberatung.at

Tel.: +43 (0)1 595 37 60

Austrian authorities

SVS – Social insurance for the self-employed
(Sozialversicherung der Selbständigen)

Website: www.svs.at

Tel.: +43 (0)50 808 808


For questions about health insurance: vs@svs.at

For health services: gs@svs.at

For questions about accident insurance: dlz.uv@svs.at

For questions about pension insurance: pps@svs.at