
I would like to temporarily interrupt my professional activity. ("Ruhendmeldung")

In the event of intended, temporary non-exercise of the trade, the suspension of the exercise of the trade must be notified in writing to the competent department of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO)). The general specialist group responsible for carers is called the „Fachgruppe Personenberatung und Personenbetreuung“.

The notification of suspension of the trade must be made within three weeks of the start of the suspension of the trade; if you do not notify the WKO within this period, you may be fined.


The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO)) will then send you a confirmation of the trade suspension notification either by e-mail or by post, but only after the notification has been successfully completed. The chamber contribution to the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) must also be paid for dormant businesses, although the amount of the contribution is reduced.

Compulsory insurance with the SVS ends on the last day of the calendar month in which the business is registered as dormant.

If your business licence is suspended, you are not subject to compulsory insurance, i.e. you are not entitled to social insurance benefits from the SVS. Your pension insurance contributions will also be cancelled.