I would like to terminate the cooperation with a contractual partner. ("Kündigung des Vertrags")
Cancellation of the contract with the placement agency or the assisted person depends on the circumstances of the cancellation:
- Termination in accordance with the contract clauses normally provides for a notice period (two to four weeks) specified in the contract. During the notice period, you will continue to be employed and paid.
- Termination with immediate effect is possible in exceptional cases (such as violence, sexual harassment, if the employment conditions are fundamentally different from those promised to you before you started work, etc.). In the event of termination without notice, you are not obliged to attend the workplace.
In both cases, we recommend that you give your notice of termination in writing and send it to the contractual partner with a statement of reasons and your signature!
The written notice of termination is above all proof that the contractual relationship has been properly terminated and protects you from misinterpretation!
Certain conditions must be met if early termination is declared. Strictly speaking, the termination is due to working conditions that make continued employment and compliance with the notice period unreasonable. If you encounter such situations, make sure that you have documented the reasons for the early resignation in detail before you leave the workplace. Also inform the relevant authorities!
Example: Cancellation of contract
(Name of the contractual partner)
(Address of the contractual partner)
(Contact details of the contractual partner: e-mail, telephone number, etc.)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
mein Name ist ........... und ich arbeite als 24-Stunden-Betreuungskraft in Österreich (GISA-Zahl......./SVNR........).
Hiermit möchte ich den mit Ihnen abgeschlossenen Vertrag unter Einhaltung der im Vertrag festgelegten Kündigungsfrist zum frühest möglichen Zeitpunkt kündigen. Ich bedanke mich für die bisherige Zusammenarbeit.
Falls eine Vollmacht mit Ihnen unterschrieben wurde, widerrufe ich diese mit dem heutigen Datum ebenfalls sofort.
Für die Zustellung einer Kündigungsbestätigung danke ich Ihnen im Voraus.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
(Name + first name of the carer)
(date + signature)