
Voluntary unemployment insurance.

Self-employed persons are not directly entitled to unemployment benefits like employees!

Since 1 January 2009, self-employed persons have been able to voluntarily join the unemployment insurance scheme and thus improve their social protection. This is a voluntary unemployment insurance scheme that entitles you to all unemployment insurance benefits (unemployment benefit, unemployment assistance, etc.) for the duration of your self-employment.

Unemployment insurance contributions for the self-employed are collected by the Social Insurance for the Self-Employed (‘SVS’) and transferred to the Public Employment Service Austria (‘AMS’). The AMS is exclusively responsible for unemployment insurance benefits.

You can join the unemployment insurance scheme if you are insured under the Industrial Social Insurance Act (‘GSVG’).

Further information on additional benefits and contribution calculation can be found under „Unemployment insurance for tradespeople, new self-employed persons and freelancers“ at www.svs.at.