
What benefits and insurance options does the SVS offer?

If you make use of statutory health insurance benefits in Austria, the costs of compulsory benefits are usually covered by the Social Insurance for the Self-Employed (SVS) on presentation of the electronic insurance card (e-card).

In some cases, however, you must first cover the costs of treatment yourself. The SVS will subsequently reimburse you up to a maximum of 80 per cent of the costs that would have been incurred by a doctor with a health insurance contract. In this case, you have the option of submitting an application for reimbursement to the SVS, enclosing original fee notes and invoices.

SVS insured persons are entitled to the following benefits:

  • Medical treatment
  • Medical assistance
  • Hospital care / hospitalisation
  • Accident insurance benefits: treatment and rehabilitation
  • Support benefits from the 43rd day of incapacity for work
  • Voluntary supplementary insurance (‘GSVG’)

As a self-employed person, you can customise your health insurance in accordance with the GSVG. You are then insured in the event of a long-term illness. However, you must apply for voluntary supplementary insurance as long as you are employed. It must begin before you reach the age of 60.

Only those with main insurance can take out supplementary insurance. Advantages: You can only claim sickness benefit from supplementary insurance six months after taking out supplementary insurance. The waiting period does not apply if your incapacity for work is the result of an accident at work that occurred after you applied for supplementary insurance. You can find more information at www.svs.at under „Supplementary health insurance for tradespeople, new self-employed persons and freelancers".

  • Mandatory provision for the self-employed
  • Unemployment insurance
  • Pension insurance