
How are SVS contributions calculated?

Three factors influence the amount of insurance premiums:

The insurable income according to the income tax return:

The tax office issues a tax assessment notice based on your income tax return. This assessment contains information about your annual income, which the SVS uses to calculate the amount of your social insurance contributions. If you do not submit a tax return, the tax office can make an estimate of your annual income.

The contribution percentage: depends on the type of insurance

How long you have been working:

In the first three years, social security contributions are calculated differently based on a statutory minimum contribution base. From the fourth year onwards, the contribution base depends on the amount of your insurable income in the third preceding year (for example, the provisional contribution base for 2023 is adjusted to your income according to your 2020 income tax assessment). The income tax return is always submitted for the previous year.

If your income is higher in one year, the contribution base for the following years increases automatically. It is therefore important to submit your income tax return in good time. The SVS will then compare the provisional contributions with the final contributions and, depending on the result, contributions will have to be paid in arrears or the difference will be credited.

Further information can be found at www.svs.at under ‘Insurance and contributions’ („Versicherung und Beitrag”).