
Was ist Missbrauch am Arbeitsplatz und wie kann ich mich davor schützen?

Crisis situations at work

Intimidation, threats, inappropriate comments, bullying, sexual harassment, sexism, racism and violence in the workplace are all forms of violence. There are organisations that you can contact anonymously and free of charge to get support in such situations!

Many of your clients suffer from various forms of dementia, a condition that can affect their behaviour. Report any kind of physical, psychological or emotional abuse immediately.

To help you recognise abuse, assault, harassment or discrimination in the workplace, we have listed below some examples of situations that need to be addressed or reported immediately:

  • any repeated unwanted touching, even if it is seemingly accidental, after you have expressly objected to it; e.g. you are being intrusively stroked against your will;
  • intrusive staring at certain parts of the body;
  • if the client touches your intimate areas in your presence;
  • exhibitionist behaviour;
  • obscene gestures and comments;
  • you have announced that you are using the bathroom; nevertheless, clients or their relatives enter the room when you are there;
  • clients or their relatives enter your room without your consent;
  • clients or their relatives shout at you to such an extent that you feel intimidated;
  • you are threatened or verbally or physically assaulted;
  • any other situation that creates a frightening, hostile or humiliating environment.