
What are the requirements to work as a live-in care worker in Austria?


In principle, no professional training or proof of specialization is required to provide 24-hour care

Exception: if the client receives an allowance for live-in care services from the Austrian state, the care worker must demonstrate one of the following professional competencies:

  • a training certificate (equivalent qualification of personal support workers)


  • proof of at least six months of professional experience in the field of live-in care


  • proof of carrying out certain care or medical assistance activities, under the training and supervision of specialized care staff.

For more information on the state subsidy for care services, see: https://www.oesterreich.gv.at/themen/soziales/pflege/1/Seite.360534.html

(retrieved on 26.11.2020)


As live-in careworkers work with elderly and, in most cases, seriously ill people, training in home care / personal support work is strongly recommended. If you work as an independent live-in careworker, you assume full legal responsibility for your client's health and well-being. If you carry out care activities incorrectly and endanger the life of the person to be cared for, you may incur penalties under the law.

Please note that training similar to that of a home care assistant (German: Heimhilfe) is not sufficient for 24-hour care work. If a client with high care needs is placed in your care, you have several options available (see: What responsibilities do we have as live-in care workers?).

German language

Live-in care is a job that cannot be carried out without daily communication - whether it is communication with clients and their relatives, with qualified health care staff (in German: Pflegepersonal) and with doctors and/or Austrian intermediary agencies. Do not underestimate the importance of mastering the German language! Live-in careworkers who do not know the language are easier to lie to and exploit!

Work model

Depending on which working model you choose, i.e. self-employed (with a commercial/business licence) or with an employment contract , there are additional legal conditions that you must fulfill. You can find more information on the two work models here : What are the types of employment models?