
Registration of residence in Austria. („Meldebestätigung”)

In order to reside legally in Austria, you need to take a few steps. The first step is to register your place of residence (main or secondary residence) at the municipal office or the responsible magistrate/municipal district office.

Please note! You must register your place of residence within three days of moving into your accommodation in Austria, otherwise you could face a fine of up to 726 euros (up to 2180 euros in the event of a repeat offence)!

The registration confirmation ("Meldebestätigung") is the official/official document that serves as proof of registration of residence. For the initial registration, you must make an appointment in person at the registration service (nationwide) or at the municipal district office (in Vienna).

The registration of residence is free of charge. You will need:

→ Registration form, which must be signed by the accommodation provider (flat owner or main tenant). The form is available from the relevant registration office (or online).

→ Valid passport or identity card.

Once the application has been submitted, you will be issued with a confirmation of registration. Please keep this and do not pass the original on to third parties! Please remember:

If you change your place of residence, you must register your new place of residence with the relevant authorities within three days. This means deregistering your old place of residence and registering your new place of residence.