
How does the collaboration with an agency work?

The organisation contract

You also have the option of commissioning an agency to place you in a job. In this case, you conclude a binding organisation contract with the placement agency as an intermediary and must pay any placement fees that may arise.

Check the organisation contract carefully before you sign it!

Security measures

If you decide to work with a placement agency, we advise you to take the following steps to protect yourself before signing the contract:

→ Ask in advance for the model contracts used by the placement agency (the model organisation contract with the agency and the model support contract with the client).

→ To avoid future problems, always negotiate the following information in writing and document it: Name and address of the agency and client:s, procedure for transport, guarantee of at least two hours of rest per day, catering in the care family, SVS charges, etc.

→ You can request the two contracts in a bilingual version (first language + German).

→ If there are clauses in the contract that you do not understand or with which you do not agree, you can get help from a lawyer.

→ Always request complete information! Clarify all details with the agency before you start your journey!

Regardless of your form of employment (as a self-employed or dependent carer), check the accuracy of all information received in advance:

  • the state of health of the cared-for person, the daily tasks, the existence of medical instructions and the daily routine of the cared-for person
  • the working conditions: work activities, breaks, on-call times, etc.
  • the accommodation and catering: own room and board
  • the contact details of important contact persons Relatives/legal representatives of the client, possibly neighbours.

If there are differences between what you were promised before leaving your home country and the situation on site, you have the opportunity to renegotiate your salary or refuse to take on the job at all!

A refusal should always be announced and justified in writing.