
Childcare allowance.

Childcare allowance is a benefit that is granted for 12-28 months after the birth of the child. The monthly amount depends on the duration of the benefit (how long you want to stay at home with the child).

Parental allowance is granted in the following situations:

  • The applicant parent and the child must have the same place of residence in Austria.
  • The child's place of residence is in the country of origin, one parent works and lives in Austria and the other parent has no income.

Attention! In the case of home carers, the applications submitted for child maintenance are transnational files. It is always checked which of the parents is gainfully employed where.

If only one parent is employed and has their main place of residence in Austria, the country in which they work is responsible for awarding child maintenance. If both parents are employed, the country of residence of the parent in which the children live is responsible. In both cases, there is the possibility of an equalisation payment: a differential amount that is only paid if the Austrian childcare allowance is higher than in the country of origin.

  • Carrying out the checks provided for in the ‘mother-child passport’ and submitting the supporting documents.
  • Fulfilment of the eligibility requirements for family allowance and actual receipt of this benefit.

In all other cases, the difference between the allowance in the country of origin and the allowance in Austria is granted.