
Increased family allowance.

The increased family allowance is a cash benefit that is granted for significantly disabled children in addition to the general family allowance. In order to receive increased family allowance, the requirements for the granting of family allowance must first be met. The relevant local tax office is responsible for the increased family allowance.

The increased family allowance is granted in the following cases:

  • for significantly disabled children (where the degree of disability in the physical, mental or psychological area or in sensory perception must be at least 50 per cent)
  • the disability is not temporary, i.e. there is a functional impairment that lasts/will last longer than three years
  • if the expected permanent disability occurred before the age of 21.

Please note!

You will be granted this cash benefit even if the degree of disability is less than 50 per cent if the person/child is permanently unable to support him/herself.

How long can you receive increased family allowance?

  • If there is a 50 per cent disability in the physical, mental or psychological area or in sensory perception, the increased family allowance is granted for as long as the child is entitled to the general family allowance.
  • If the child has already reached the age of majority, the conditions for granting the family allowance for children of full age (e.g. the need for vocational training) must be met; in such a case, the family allowance can be granted until the child reaches the age of 25.
  • In the case of permanent disability, there is no age limit if the permanent disability occurred before the age of 21 or during vocational training, but before the age of 25.

To apply for increased family allowance, you need the following forms:

  • BEIH100
  • BEIH3
  • E407